Carers Forum

The Carers Forum enables carers the opportunity to meet and look at information about current changes and developments within mental health, and to discuss and collectively address these issues and move them forward to make a difference.

Next Forum: Thursday, 5th September 2019. 11am-2pm.​

Topic: We will be welcoming two guest speakers: Kathleen Taylor, Engagement & Participation Officer (Carer) from the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, who will speak to us about her role and the work they do. We will also be introducing Eileen Clark, Quality Improvement Nurse for Adult Inpatient Services from the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, who will talk to us about recent changes to Observation Practice.

Venue: Edinburgh Carers Council offices, Great Michael House (14 Links Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EZ).

For more information about the Carers Forum please visit the Forum page: